With hearts and valentines in the air this month we kick off Glambone podcast #3 with “Let’s Make Love,” a track by NYC band Pharoah. The band dominated the east coast
scene back in the mid to late 80’s. A regular favorite at Tommy Gunn’s Cat Club.
Pharoah originated the chocolate/vanilla hair-do that many of the people saw for the first
time in The Metal Years movie, and later by Keri Kelli in his Big Bang Babies stint.
Pharoah however was notches above all the poseurs back then, combining glitter glam
with new wave, and done convincingly. Bret Michaels was a fan, attending many shows
trying to hype their buzz, but for whatever reason they ended up with the short straw.
Releasing their own ep titled “First Strike,” copies of this occassionaly turn up on Ebay
fetching $100.00 And mostly being outbid by those over the top loving fans in Japan.
Pharoah is presently working on putting out a CD this year in ’09 compiling tracks from
“First Strike” and other worthy gems.

The band released one record on Epic titled “Life Part II.” Luckily the singer Julian Raymond (pictured here) came to his senses and put together an exciting band after Bang Bang’s demise called Dear Mr. President, which again released only 1 record. He later wound up at Hollywood Records where he was staff producer and A&R man,
responsible for Fastball and loads of other forgettable names, until moving up to the Capitol building on Hollywood & Vine where he would work on other half assed projects. Utter crap really.
As for the 2nd runner up, you’ll just have to tune in to the podcast for yourself an

Not much is known about original Poison guitarist Matt Smith. He left L.A. in ’85 to be replaced by C.C. DeVille. But 5 years later he surfaced with a new band called Syn D’Cats back in his hometown. Going for a much more rootsy vibe ala the Stones, and Aerosmith, we bring to you the track “A Million Empty Bottles” from his 1990 demo. Pictured here is a picture of the band, with Matt holding the electric guitar.
Rewind to the L.A. self promotion days in the 80’s and take a listen to the actual phone
“hotlines” of Tuff and Hot Wheel

We offer up a song from Tuff from the Jim Gillette days, after the infamous “Knock Yourself Out” ep, with the tune “Ooh Ahh.” A synthesizer party stomper caught somewhere between Van Halen’s “Jump” and Poison’s “Cry Tough.” Check out the picture of the boys here with Jim looking like a glammed out Charlie Sheen or James Spader, take your pick, the hairstyle alone would bring a tear to Nikki Sixx’ eye.
We close podcast #3 with the L.A. band Shake City. This band featured one time
Warrant vocalist Adam Shore as frontman, post-Hot Wheelz. The track spotlighted is
“Game Of War,” which was also recorded by Warrant.
Until next time, keep poutin’!!