Podcast #2 of Glambone kicks things off with
St. Valentine (pictured here). The L.A. band originally formed in 1984 with its melodic
keyboard-tinged glam rock. The band would share stages with everyone in the day from Poison to G’N R, to Jetboy and D’Molls.
Eventually the band would be produced by Dana Strum, bringing in his former proteges Sweet Savage to chime in the vocal department,
along with Mark Slaughter, Jeff Scott Soto and Rik Fox. Before that
recording session came to be, we go back pre-Strum to bring you the
track “L.A. Is My Home.”
Perhaps Dana was trying to find the next Randy Rhoads, or compete
with Jon Bon Jovi in looking to discover and cash in on his next
discovery. The Florida band Rated X would be his next studio side
project. Before the band ditched their singer and headed to L.A.
where they filled the vocal spot with now country singer Rick Monroe,
Rated X had all the goods. The looks and the commerial radio ready
songs that surely made Vinnie Vincent cream all over. Once again
Dana would flex his ability to bring in guest stars on the recordings.
Poison, Slaughter all laid down some vocal pipe, but with half the
record in the can, egos would flair and that version of Rated X was
over before it got off the ground.
In 1982 a band known as The Sharks emerged with the release of the
LP “Alter Ego.” Years later changing the name of the band to Shark
Island. Not one to wait around for the people to come to them, the
band put out another independent record in 1986 titled “S’cool Bus.”
From that release we listen to “Excess Marks The Spot.” A song full
of attitude and swagger, that could only have come out at that time.
We are joined for an exclusive interview with Marc Carmona from the
legendary east coast band Snatch. Much curiousity still surrounds
this quartet of Kiss/Van Halen loving teens, notorious for releasing
their own vinyl EP in 1985 by the title of “If The Party’s In Your
Mouth... We’re Coming.”
As Marc stated, “it ended up paying off well as obviously it kinda

brought the hype up to an even different level with the title. We put
an ad in Circus Magazine for one month when the EP came out, and I
remember going to the p.o. box to see if we got any mail and literally
the post guy had to go to the back and came out with 5 buckets of