Once he hooked up with The Ramones, let the games begin. Talk about a disfunctional bunch of bandmates, whether it be pulling knives on each other, stealing girlfriends, or Joey’s OCD condition, Marky tells it in a way with a ray of humour.
His own battles with alcoholism, led to a wake up call when he was told he could no longer be in the band. The final straw, finding himself in a furniture store, and it wasn’t to buy a new sofa. His father’s stern words left an impact, and it was time for AA.
His second chance at a healthy life would eventually coincide with a second chance in The Ramones.
It’s a captivating book from a stand up guy who’s been through the high’s and low’s and has found a comfortable place on the other end of it all. How many artists can say they recorded with Phil Spector? How many can create a movement? This one has lasted, influenced countless others, a musical legacy that continues to be as strong as ever. This book is a must read for any self proclaimed music aficionado, or those wanting a history trip through the roots of punk/rock and New York City.