Champagne hangovers but the glitter lingers. The new year podcast kicks off with Vanity Kills (aka In Vogue). Back in the late 80’s In Vogue came on the scene with their Gene Loves Jezebel “House Of
Dolls” inspired look and befriended Julian Raymond as they were
inspired by his glam synth flop - Bang Bang. This relation would prove solid when Julian landed his first A&R gig at Hollywood Records and took along In Vogue for the ride. Producing the record, it’s apparent that the direction was not to make Life Part III, but instead give them a high fashion gloss that would flatter the likes of Bete Noire-era Bryan Ferry. Prior to release of the record, the band would scale down to a 3-piece and change their name from a Japan titled song to an ABC titled song. From the 1991 Vanity Kills record, “Holiday Of Passion” shines, complete with its Rod Stewart “Lost In You” influenced riff.
SuccSexx and Mannekin duke it out for the 2010 Doucheband of the Month award.

Also from the New Jersey/New York City scene come Cat Club favorites Monroe (pictured above). Big chorus and sleazy vibe, the band was known to have an equally entertaining stage show. One of those bands that always drew the big crowds and did as much as they could to promote themselves,
Monroe simply fell threw the cracks in the late 80’s.
We take a look at Florida band Young Turk. These guys were sandwiched somewhere between Ratt & Guns N Roses when they came on the scene in the mid 80’s with a much more commercial hard rock vibe than they turned out with on their Virgin debut in ’92 when they went in a more Blind Melon direction.
Even the band TRYX couldn’t resist taking one of their early songs in the form of “Hold On” and adopting it as a mainstay in their own catalog. From the “Train To Nowhere” recording, we offer up one of their finest - “Disinauguration Day.”
Glambone highlights an unreleased track from the Kill For Thrills “Dynamite From Nightmareland” demo sessions in the form of “Transylvania.”
From the ashes of L.A. band Sister Scream comes Torry Morgan’s current project G.O.D. (pictured left). It’s a sick guitar heavy groove with the modern appeal of Marilyn Manson’s “Mechanical Animals.” The podcast closes with the track “Born Again.”