glam, a tinge of goth, kinda like the 2nd incarnation of fellow LA-sters The Brats.
It was only after the demise of Ruby Rockets that singer Myki Lash would try a more pop approach. Can you blame him for nickin’ part of the title of Lions & Ghosts debut for his own song? Well... anyhow...
his tune “Velvet Kisses” comes off more like the Soupdragons than anything else, and that isn’t neccessarly a good thing.
How many Tom Werman records are in your collection? I’m willing to bet you have a handful. Tom produced what are now considered classic rock albums by Cheap Trick, Motley Crue, Twisted Sister, Poison, Ted Nugent, and a whole slew of others.
I phone him up at his boutique Bed & Breakfast in Mass for a good chat. While he’s traded in his analog tapes in for linens & things, Tom definitely sheds light on what those legendary recording sessions were like and what he actually thinks of the Steve Albini produced version of his Cheap Trick “In Color” record that’s been floating around the net.
We’ll also hear his thoughts on “Dr. Feelgood,” the Crue record that followed his consecutive 3 Motley releases.

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