It’s a double feature this month. Starting off with an American Badass? Not talking about Tommy Lee’s arch ememy here,
Kid Rocker was a band on the L.A. scene from 1981 - 1984 featuring members Billy Dior and Desi Rexx who would later form D’Molls.
The band was on the verge of bright things... recording sessions with producer Eddie Kramer, but seemed to be a bit of a revolving door for guitar players, at various times hosting the six string spot to Ronnie Younkins, and C.C. Deville. C.C. would later push his way into being a full fledge member of Billy’s next project, Screaming Mimi’s.
The track featured here is from their ’82 session, “Slamn Romance,” which C.C. later hijacked and turned into “Fallen Angel” some years later.

Like Taz before them, Rattlesnake Shake embarked on a mini Japanese tour and CD release thanks to Monster Productions. From the late 80’s the sonic appeal of this band lied somewhere between Guns N Roses and Jane’s Addiction, with a blonde superstar singer by the name of Jimmy Thrill. “Shooting Daggers” captures the attitude and street glam of the band.

We introduce a new segment to the show, “Gem of the Month,” in which a noted scenester/celebrity gives us his own personal pick worthy of “stumping the ‘Bone.” L.A. rocker Ace Steele of Actress
fame (pictured left) gives us a track from Steve Plunkett’s pre-Autograph band Wolfgang.
Some episode’s ago, a recent flashback to the DJ DJ Battle of the Bands exposed Dizzy Reed’s old band The Wild. They had a sleazy straight up rock n roll vibe with original vocalist Jonny back then.
Sometime between the usual Sunset Strip gigs and Dizzy joining up with GNR, The Wild cut a record with a cat named Todd Barone holding down the mic.

1986 saw the LP release from an L.A. band called Hyde (pictured right). Not to be confused with the Japanese Eyes Love You guy. This band leaned more toward the metal riffs, but found a common balance with the glamsters not only with their wardrobe, but with such songs as the
one featured here, “Crazy Without You.”