I was fortunate to be there at that time and saw his band Rattlesnake Shake at The Roxy, on a bill with Electric Angels and Faster Pussycat. I bootlegged that show, tape recorder in pocket, because I knew I was going to capture something great. The moment happened as soon as the band launched into “Shooting Daggers.” That song still fucking rocks today. And boy was Jimmy a performer.
Throughout the years we’ve gotten to be good friends. We’ve talked many times about doing projects together - start a record label, produce bands, make movies.
A number of years ago, I told Jimmy I had written a screenplay, without missing a beat he said “I’ve written one too, send me yours I’ll send mine.” Next thing I know, Jimmy was on a plane, and we met in Vegas. We hung out poolside, trading stories. Fast forward a couple years , a couple screenplays later, and I had optioned a script and in the pursuit of trying to attach A List talent to the project. The status remained at a stand still.
Meanwhile, Jimmy was plotting away. He said to me one day “fuck it, I’m just gonna get a camera and do it my way.” And he did. He’s a hustler.
When his film was complete, I was one of the first people Jimmy sent the movie to, to screen before anyone else.
The result is a highly enjoyable rock n roll ride. Think of those after hours, midnight flics.
What’s it about - essentially it’s kinda about Jimmy’s life, but if he had made it in the 80’s. A rockstar trying to make a comeback, but totally out of sync with the times. It tackles the absurdities of fame, addictions. But for all its rock n roll swagger, it is not misogynistic. There’s comedy relief, and kick ass music. In the end, you’re rooting for his character Jonny Coyle to make that comeback. In real life, I’m rooting for my friend Jimmy to get this film sold.
“Shooting Daggers,” his epic Rattlesnake Shake song finds its way into the story as the defining song of Jonny Coyle’s career. Thrill sees the humor, he can poke fun at himself. Off The Record is also about guys our age that are still fucking creative and have the drive for adventure.
Listen to the adventure here in this all new podcast interview with Jimmy.